Türkçe - İngilizce Çeviri Sonucu
yapmak Anlamı
- to make. to build. to construct. to fashion. to create. to manufacture. to produce. to prepare. to do. to buoy oneself with sth. to do sth as one's regular work or occupation. to carry out. to perform. to affect. to execute. to repair. to fix sth. to caus.
- build. commit. construct. cost. deliver. discharge. do. draw. fabricate. fill. found. fulfil. have. hold. make. manage. manufacture. perform. perpetrate. practise. produce. put. redeem. transact. to do. to make. to perform. to fulfil. to carry sth out. to mend. to repair. to fix onarmak. tamir etmek. to build. to construct. to erect. to found inşa etmek. to produce. to manufacture. to bring sth out üretmek. to cause yol açmak. to marry to evlendirmek. to cost. to do with. to have. to possess. to cook. to have. to draw. to deliver. to fix onarmak. to found inşa etmek. to bring sth out üretmek. to cause yol açmak. to marry to evlendirmek.
- accomplish. acquit oneself. architect. build. carve out. contrive. create. do. engineer. establish. execute. fashion. fulfil. fulfill. get. go over. go through. have. implement. land. make. perform. ply. practice. practise. produce. profess. put thro.