Türkçe - İngilizce Çeviri Sonucu

vandal Anlamı

  • someone who willfully destroys or defaces property. a member of the Germanic people who overran Gaul and Spain and North Africa and sacked Rome in 455.
  • vandal.
  • Of or pertaining to the Vandals; resembling the Vandals in barbarism and destructiveness. someone who willfully destroys or defaces property a member of the Germanic people who overran Gaul and Spain and North Africa and sacked Rome in 455.
  • Hence, one who willfully destroys or defaces any work of art or literature.
  • One of a Teutonic race, formerly dwelling on the south shore of the Baltic, the most barbarous and fierce of the northern nations that plundered Rome in the 5th century, notorious for destroying the monuments of art and literature.
  • vandal.

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